
彭抒昂简历:男,博士、教授、博士生导师。1982年7月本科毕业于华中农学院;1985年研究生毕业于华中农业大学,获硕士学位并留校任教。1997年6月在职博士毕业于华中农业大学,获博士学位。1994、2000年,分别晋升为副教授、教授。1992.10-1994.04 和 1999.04-2000.04:日本筑波大学农林学系果树研究室合作研究。


主持《园艺植物栽培学》优质课程为国家精品课程,参加“柑橘优异种质发掘、创新与新品种选育推广”项目,获国家科技进步二等奖(2006,序7),获农业部、中国农学会颁发中华农业科技奖“柑橘遗传改良与栽培技术创新团队”优秀创新团队奖(2009,序2)。“柑橘提质增效关键技术研究与示范”项目获湖北省科技进步一等奖,湖北省人民政府,2012,序2。 “赣南脐橙高效安全生产关键技术进行研发与推广应用”项目获江西省科技进步一等奖,(序3)2013。 湖北省农业科技领域产学研合作优秀专家称号,2012年度,湖北省科技厅。


联系方式 :

Tel: 027-87288339 (O)

Email: ganjuli_2002@mail.hzau.edu.cn

研究方向 :


重点内容 :


代表性论著和成果 :

(* 通讯作者)

  • 邓秀新 彭抒昂主编:《柑橘学》,2013,中国农业出版社,北京
  • 韩佳,周高峰,李峤虹,刘永忠,彭抒昂*。 缺镁、铁、硼胁迫对4 个柑橘砧木生长及养分吸收的影响。园艺学报, 2012, 39: 2105-2112
  • 刘芳,刘永忠,彭抒昂*。温州蜜柑粗皮大果形成过程的解剖学研究。 果树学报, 2012, 29: 789-793
  • 李爽,彭抒昂*,刘永忠,周高峰, 杨成泉.缺硼导致柑橘叶脉和果实导管分子形态畸形的观察. 植物科学学报, 2012, 30: 624-630
  • 魏清江, 汪妙秋, 曾知富, 杨成泉, 彭抒昂*, 刘永忠。南丰蜜橘化渣性评价及不同结果习性果实的品质比较. 中国农业科学, 2014, 6: 013
  • Sheng O, Yan X, Peng SA*, Fang YW, Deng XX. Seasonal changes in nutrient concentrations of ‘Newhall’ and ‘Skagg’s Bonanza’ navel oranges. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2009, 40: 3074-3089
  • Sheng O, Song SW, Peng SA*, Chen YJ, Deng XX. Effects of exogenous B supply on growth, B accumulation and distribution of two navel orange cultivars. Trees-structure and Function, 2009, 23: 59-68
  • Lu XP, Liu YZ, An JC. Hu HJ. Peng SA*. Isolation of a cinnamoyl CoA reductase gene involved in formation of stone cells in pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2011, 33: 585-591
  • An JC, Liu YZ, Yang CQ, Zhou GF, Wei QJ, Peng SA*, Isolation and expression analysis of CiNIP5, a citrus boron transport gene involved in tolerance to boron deficiency. Scientia Horticulturae. 2012, 142, 149-154
  • Wei QJ, Liu YZ, Zhou GF, Yang CQ, Peng SA*. Overexpression of CsCLCc, a chloride channel gene from Poncirus trifoliata, enhances salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2013, 31: 1548-1557
  • Yang CQ, Liu YZ, An JC, Li S, Jin LF, Zhou GF, Wei QJ, Yan HQ, Wang NN, Fu LN, Liu X, Hu XM, Yan TS, Peng SA*. Digital gene expression analysis of corky split vein caused by boron deficiency in ‘Newhall’navel orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) for selecting differentially expressed genes related to vascular hypertrophy. PloS One, 2013, 8: e65737
  • Wang NN, Yan TS, Fu LN, Peng SA* et al. Differences in boron distribution and forms in four citrus scion-rootstock combinations with contrasting boron efficiency under boron-deficient conditions. Trees, 2014, 28: 1589-1598
  • Zhou GF, Liu YZ, Sheng O, Wei QJ, Yang CQ, Peng SA*. Transcription profiles of boron-deficiency-responsive genes in citrus rootstock root by suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA microarray. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 5: 795
  • Zhou GF, Liu YZ, Sheng O, Peng SA* et al. Transcription profiles of boron-deficiency-responsive genes in citrus rootstock root by suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA microarray. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 5: 795
  • Wang NN, Yang CQ, Pan ZY, Peng SA* et al. Boron deficiency in woody plants: various responses and tolerance mechanisms. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 916
  • Jin LF, Liu YZ, Yin XX, Peng SA* et al. Transcript analysis of citrus miRNA397 and its target LAC7 reveals a possible role in response to boron toxicity. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38: 1-7
  • Mei L, Li Q, Wang H, Peng SA* et al. Boron deficiency affects root vessel anatomy and mineral nutrient allocation of Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38: 1-8
  • Li QH, Liu YZ, Pan ZY, Peng SA* et al. Boron deficiency alters root growth and development and interacts with auxin metabolism by influencing the expression of auxin synthesis and transport gene. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2016, 30: 661-668
  • Fu LN, Pan ZY*, Chai LJ, Ding DK, Peng SA*. A novel citrus rootstock tolerant to iron deficiency in calcareous soil. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2016, 141: 112-118